Wednesday, October 20, 2010

To Market, To Market

I haven't had too much motivation to write this week.  I've been on a roller-coaster of emotions, mostly because of the Little's reflux.  She goes from screaming to giggling and back again every two hours, I could almost do a countdown to when it happens.
Despite the fussing, we've still been able to get out and have fun together.  Last week Little made her first trip to the art museum!  We went to the National Gallery of Art.  I was surprised she stayed so quiet, and she even spent a good deal of time facing out and looking around.  She didn't really care much about the pictures, though. 

Eventually, I did have to feed her so we spent the rest of the day walking.  And walking.  And walking. 

We stopped by the Sculpture Garden (call me biased, but I think the Walker's is WAY better.)  We dipped our toes in the fountain for a while before making the long trip down the Mall to see the Capitol. 

We watched the wildlife for a while...

Then we finally arrived!

I have to admit, I love my country, but I'm not crazy patriotic.  Especially when it comes to looking at big stuff.  But standing in the shadow of our capitol building made me a little foggy eyed, and grateful to live in one of the most blessed and free countries in the world.

This weekend I planned to be very productive and see lots of cool stuff in DC.  It ended up not being as productive as I had hoped, but I did learn a few things.  I went to U street on Friday and stopped by Busboys and Poets.  It was a really cool restaurant.  If you get a chance, you should check out their website and read their mission statement.  I was impressed, and continue to be as I follow them on Twitter and see all the events that they host.  Their mission is similar to the one that I have in mind for my coffee shop.
Saturday I checked out the Eastern Market, but was a little disappointed that they didn't have much for antiques or hand-made products.  They did have  some cool produce vendors and I was particularly intrigued by the heirloom pumpkins I saw.  I might have to go back next week just to pick one up. 
Click to see photographer's website

Sunday I went to Friends in the Market, which was more like a real flea market.  Think, a parking lot full of unsorted cardboard fruit crates.  Unfortunately, it was in a neighborhood I didn't want to come back to, especially alone, so I found the fastest route out of there and looked for a coffee shop.

I finally found Big Bear Cafe.  It was amazing!  They served Counter Culture coffee and made me a cappuccino to die for.  It was more the college student/anarchist crowd than the young mothers and babies crowd.  So, despite the heat, I sat outside where Little could cry and poop as loud as she wanted.   And she took full advantage of the opportunity.  She turned a few heads, but not for the usual reasons.

David is in the midst of mid-terms right now, so we don't see him very much.  Once those are over, he promised to spend lots of special time with us, which I'm looking forward to this weekend.  I don't mind wandering around aimlessly when he's around.


  1. Love, love, love the pictures. Sorry the reflux is giving Annora a rough ride. I hope that will pass soon. Wish I could enjoy that coffee with you right about NOW. :) Enjoy these days and I hope you have a delightful weekend with your man. xo

  2. Its so cool that you can do so much sight seeing. So sad that Annora is still having trouble. Have you heard of Colic Calm? Suppose to be a natural remedy for reflux.
    We looked up prices for taking the train out there. About $800 :(

  3. Way to get out there Katy. Sounds like you're making the most of your time out there.
